H-AKFS Kevlar Sleeve 凯芙拉芳纶纤维复合双层套管,高耐磨高电压专用于扁线电机
产品描述 Description
我司这款复合套管是由: 由原装进口正品美国杜邦KEVLAR纤维长丝编织涂敷改良性树脂而成, 具有防火阻燃、耐高温、耐磨耐切割、介电绝缘等特性。具有高强度及 轻重量的优异特质,在同等重量条件下,是钢丝的5倍强度、E级玻璃纤 维的2.5倍强度、铝的10倍强度,被认为是世界上强度最高的纤维。
H-KS Kevlar Sleeve produced by 100% aramid fiber coated modified resin. It will not burn and will withstand continues exposure to temperature of 160℃. Knitted construction provides extreme cut-throught and wear protection while remaining cost-effective. Kevlar sleeve resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents.应用范围 Application 芳纶纤维套管广泛应用于钢化玻璃、消防、军工、安全、通讯、增强等领域用来保护各种电缆、光缆、高强度机械设备、管路等。
It provides excellent protection for industrial wire, cable, hoses(hydraulics), tube and pipe and also provides thermal insulation and personal with sharp edges
欢迎来电咨询:137 7186 3819(微信同号)!